June 2024 / Abby Melendez

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Hello, my name is Abby Melendez. I’m a licensed aesthetician operating independently in Houston, Texas. I am deeply passionate about skincare and self-care. I opened my studio in JuneJune 2024 Aesti of the Month Abby Melendez image 1 2022 and have experienced rapid growth in the past two years. As a new aesthetician, I’ve been dedicated to expanding my knowledge and continuing my education. I’m excited to continue growing and expanding in my career.

Skin Script products not only improved the skin of my clients but also boost my business. It is a very affordable clinical grade line that has helped me start and continue my business. Some of my favorite products from Skin Script include their enzymes and hydrating products. I consistently find myself using the Green Tea Citrus Cleanser. It’s ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin, making it easy to recommend due to its calming and antioxidant properties that leaves your skin feeling refreshed. The Ageless Hydrating Serum and Cucumber Hydration Toner is my favorite combination. These products compliment each other so well to provide all the hydration my clients and I need.

I love how easy it is to create a personalized skincare routine for my clients. The positive feedbackJune 2024 Aesti of the Month Abby Melendez image 2 from my clients has been overwhelming and it’s incredibly rewarding to see their confidence grow as their skin improves. This has truly helped my business grow by ensuring my clients return to my studio.

Skin Script’s commitment to quality, education, and support truly sets them apart in the industry and why I will continue working with Skin Script.